Afro-Cubans are Cubans of Afro-descent. The first Africans were brought in late 1511 and slavery was abolished in 1886. They make up 34 to 62% of the population. They concentrate in Havana, Santiago de Cuba province, and Guantanamo province. The African influences are: FOOD- fufu, funche, tostones, quimbombo, yuca; MUSIC AND DANCE- rumba, guaguanco, yambo, columbia son, makuta; RELIGION- lucumi (santeria), palo mayombe (palo monte/reglas de congo), abakua, spiritism.
For Afro-Cuban History and Culture
History- Afro-Cubans | Minority Rights Group
History- Afro-Cuban - Afropedea
Culture Critic- https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/cuba-african-roots-run-deep-it-s-lesson-students-aren-n767616
Video History Part #1 - https://youtu.be/6bcXXbbMY5Q
Video History and Culture Part #2 - https://youtu.be/5tg88LfN-X4
Photo History and Culture- Afro- Cubans of African Ancestry in Cuba, Carribeans. – Africani Sankofa (wordpress.com)
Video History and Culture with Henry Louis Gate Jr. - https://youtu.be/k7p30a4auyA
Cultural Critic Roberto Zurbano- The country to come: and my Black Cuba? By Roberto Zurbano, 13/3/13 (afrocubaweb.com)
Afro-Cuban Music and Dance Resources
Info- Cuba: Son and Afro-Cuban Music - World Music Network
Video Rumba- Guaguancó: Los Muñequitos de Matanzas - YouTube
Video Son- https://youtu.be/vxnaH2rjr00
Video Orishas- https://youtu.be/1YJQhz1ngtM
Video Las Orishas- https://youtu.be/DenYnTzozc0
Video Makuta- https://youtu.be/hQBpkcXOfhE
Afro-Cuban Religion and Spirituality Resources
Info- Religion shapes Cuba despite Castro's influence (theconversation.com)
Info- Learn about Religious Influences in Cuba (anywhere.com)
Orishas Info- The 7 Orishas – My Orisha (wordpress.com)
The Orishas info- The Seven African Powers for Beginners (African Spirituality & Magic) (otherworldlyoracle.com)
Video- Santería Religion in Cuba - YouTube
Video- https://youtu.be/JAEv4XLU16s
Video- https://youtu.be/tqA_CuyWMGM

(All photos of Afro-Cubanos in Havana and Santiago de Cuba by Lynn Anyanwu)