Afro-Brazilians are Brazilians of African descent, who are divided into preto(black) and pardo( brown, mixed ancestry). Brazil has over 134 categories of race. The first Africans were brought in 1530’s and were the last to abolish slavery in 1888. Currently, Brazilians of African descent are estimated at 50.7%,91 million in population. Afro-Brazilians are concentrated in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, São Paulo, and Minas Gerais. The African influences are: FOOD- quindins, acaçá, acarajé, xinxim de galinha, vatapá, caruru, quiabo, moqueca, feijoada; MUSIC AND DANCE- samba, jongo, capoeira, lundu, maculelê, batuques, afoxés, blocos afros, maracatu, baião, choro, congos, congadas, quilombos, forró; RELIGION- candomblé, umbanda, xangô, batuque, catimbó, macumba.
For History of Afro-Brazilian
History- https://minorityrights.org/minorities/afro-brazilians/
History- http://www.afropedea.org/afro-brazilian
Video History- https://youtu.be/sXAFHmxW-2Q
Video History and Culture with Henry Louis Gates Jr- https://youtu.be/Gh7c46U5hhY
Video History- https://youtu.be/Y7DGH9t6fCo
Video Cultural Critic- https://youtu.be/4suegOrm2Vs
Religion- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr3zQRXzuvY
Afro-Brazilian Music and Dance Resources
Info- Brazilian music: How Africa and slavery influenced it (redbull.com)
Info- The African influence on Brazilian Music – Marco Schaumloeffel
Info- Afro-Brazilian History, Beats and Culture | HuffPost
Video Capoeira- https://youtu.be/6H0D8VaIli0
Video Samba- https://youtu.be/lIN-EIs4VzE
Video Samba- https://youtu.be/PwBhy6wBZDs
Video Olodum- https://youtu.be/A3o30YJiWsc
Video Maculele- https://youtu.be/d7MnlWU7Ad
Video history- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yqfaVP8NWc
Capoeira video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8xxgFpK-NM
Capoeira info- https://www.lalaue.com/capoeira
Capoeira info- https://mandingueira.ca/what-is-capoeira/
Capoeira info- https://theculturetrip.com/south-america/brazil/articles/a-history-of-brazilian-capoeira/
Capoeira Unesco- https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/capoeira-circle-00892
Afro-Brazilian Religion and Spirituality Resources
Video Religion- https://youtu.be/fzKTTJHHk04
Video Religion-https://youtu.be/SnQfOXUFHws
Video Religion- https://youtu.be/Bt5_ajEl1Rg

(All photos of Afro-brazilians in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil by Lynn Anyanwu)